Nui & Make-A-Wish

Who’s Nui?

My amazing 10 year old Nephew. We affectionately call Ashton by his middle name “Nui”. He lives with inoperable Severe Brain AVM and is extremely proud to participate in the Jingle Rock Run! 

Why Make-A-Wish? 

Few of you know that Make-a-wish holds a dear place in our hearts. This amazing organization has radiated positivity and been a pillar of support for my nephew Ashton Nui and our family. And knowing me is knowing I live for my Daughter and Nephews.

When Nui was 6 years old our world was turned upside down. It was a long journey with many emergency ER visits and MRIs when he was diagnosed with severe Brain AVM. During this time of adjustment and Ashton’s devastating “episodes”, Make-a-wish granted his wish to visit Disney World! He got to fly to Florida with his parents and brother and make memories together wearing big big smiles! Today Ashton is 10 years old and while his condition remains inoperable, he has undergone countless procedures and flew to Boston this past March for Brain surgery to assist in brain oxygen flow. Nui suffers from new symptoms like the loss of usage to his left arm and minimal mobility in his left leg. He LOVES animals, laser tag at home, mixology (he is so proud to serve drinks and coffee to loved ones), baking cookies with his cousin, science kits and slime, being at Nana’s house, and cuddling up together for movie night!

Today, we are proud to help raise funds to grant special wishes for all the children of Hawaii fighting critical illnesses. We know first hand how powerful a wish granted is on the mindset of a kid and their loved ones. 

Mahalo for reading and being here! Wishing you the big and small moments together with loved ones this Holiday season.



*All proceeds are managed by and go to Make-a-wish foundation. Not to me or my family.*